Why choose Medibank OSHC?
We’re one of Australia’s leading overseas student health insurers and we’re here to help you with all aspects of your health,
from prevention to treatment.
How our great value insurance helps overseas students reach their full potential.
100% Visa Compliant
Rest easy, all of our OSHC products are designed to meet your visa health insurance requirements.
24/7 Student Health and Support Line
Need someone to talk to? You can call 1800 887 283 any time for health advice from a registered nurse, counselling services and more.
Protect against the unexpected
Want peace of mind? We offer unlimited emergency ambulance services Australia-wide.¹
Online Doctor
With Online Doctor, you can have an online consultation with a qualified medical doctor through the OSHC app.2
Student Rewards Plus
The Medibank OSHC App
Our app makes it easy to view your cover details, make contact with a health advice line and find a health provider.
Navigating a new healthcare system in a new country can be difficult, speak to us, we're here to help make it simple for you.
Things you should know
1 For ambulance attendance or transportation to a hospital where immediate medical attention is required and your condition is such that you couldn't be transported any other way.
2 Medibank may pay benefits towards video/audio doctor consultations. No benefits are payable by Medibank OSHC for text only consults. Waiting times may vary depending on doctor availability. You are unable to receive e-prescriptions, specialist referrals, diagnostic requests through the Online Doctor service. Online Doctor is offered on a trial basis and may be discontinued at any time. For privacy reasons, Partners and Dependants on a policy may not access Online Doctor through the Medibank OSHC app..
3 Student Reward Plus is for Medibank OSHC members only