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  • Craig Drummond
    Craig Drummond


    CEO Speech: A sustainable private health system for the benefit of millions of Australians

    The next two years will be crucial to ensuring we deliver a more financially sustainable private healthcare system while continuing to provide high-quality care to the millions of Australians who entrust us with looking after their health.

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    Medibank submission to the Australian Labor Party's Discussion Paper on the proposed Productivity Commission inquiry into the Private Health Sector

    The Australian Labor Party is exploring the possibility of a Productivity Commission inquiry into the private health sector and we welcome the opportunity to contribute to this.

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    Thinking differently will improve our healthcare system

    To have a health system that is more affordable, easier to use, and offers greater value, we need to make some changes

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    A conversation with Adam Goodes

    Medibank CEO Craig Drummond spoke to Indigenous Defence and Infrastructure Consortium CEO Adam Goodes about what businesses can do to help close the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities

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    We need to challenge the status quo to achieve gender equality

    It’s important that businesses challenge the status quo, it’s important they call things out as they see them and listen to their people and, particularly, the women in their business.

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    Patient choice is key for ongoing healthcare needs

    Medibank at Home is offering patients choice in where their healthcare is delivered. Hospitals are, and remain, the home of acute care, but many of our customers could have their rehab, chemo or dialysis at home, enabling them to get on with their lives.

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    How a world champion is helping to shape Medibank

    Disability shouldn’t be a barrier to seeking advice, services and care, or establishing a meaningful career. That’s why we’ve launched Medibank’s first ‘Accessibility & Inclusion Plan’.

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    A lack of transparency in healthcare is driving suspicion

    Our industry has an ongoing challenge to balance rising costs and affordability while meeting the needs of our customers, who want to know what their healthcare experience will be like and what it will cost.

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    Let's talk about domestic violence

    It's time more organisations recognise that domestic and family violence is a community problem and companies have a role to play in offering access to the support their employees need.

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