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  • Emily Ritchie
    Emily Ritchie

    Senior Executive External Affairs

    0429 642 418

    Half Year Results FY18

    Medibank announces a net profit $245.6 million and a $20 million give back to customers

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    Medibank and Sigma Healthcare establish 3 year partnership

    The partnership will see the rollout of customer offers for private health insurance and other insurance products for Amcal customers, and pharmacy products and services for Medibank customers.

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    Medibank statement

    Placing a cap on premiums will not change the issues that exist in the health system says CEO Craig Drummond

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    Medibank’s average premium increase lowest in 17 years

    Medibank's 3.88% average premium increase is our lowest in 17 years and is below the industry average.

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    Medibank says reform momentum must continue

    Medibank today welcomed the report from the Senate Community Affairs References Committee on the value and affordability of private health insurance and out-of-pocket medical costs.

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    Medibank customers to benefit from health insurance reforms

    Medibank today welcomed the Federal Government’s reforms designed to address the affordability of private health insurance.

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    Medibank to defend ACCC appeal

    Medibank to defend itself following the ACCC’s decision that it would appeal the decision handed down by the Federal Court on 30 August 2017.

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    Federal Court dismissed ACCC proceedings against Medibank

    The Federal Court today dismissed the proceedings that were brought by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

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    Full Year Results FY17

    Medibank posts net profit $449.5 million. Delivering on customer improvements and driving a good financial result

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