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  • Emily Ritchie
    Emily Ritchie

    Senior Executive External Affairs

    0429 642 418

    Medibank response to APRA announcement

    The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has advised it will apply an additional capital adequacy requirement following its review of Medibank's cybercrime event.

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    OAIC to investigate Maurice Blackburn representative complaint

    The OAIC has decided to proceed with the investigation of the representative complaint lodged by Maurice Blackburn in November

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    Cybercrime – consumer class action

    A consumer class action against Medibank was filed in the Federal Court of Australia late on 4 May 2023 by Slater & Gordon.

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    Cybercrime update – Deloitte incident review

    Medibank has been provided with the findings from the Deloitte external incident review into the cybercrime

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    Cybercrime – shareholder class action

    A class action against Medibank was filed in the Supreme Court of Victoria and served on Medibank today

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    Medibank announces John Goodall to retire as Group Executive Technology & Operations

    Medibank's Group Executive - Technology & Operations John Goodall will retire in April

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    2023 Half Year Results - A solid result with business momentum returning

    Today we have delivered a solid result driven by our commitment to support our customers.

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    Cybercrime – class action

    A class action against Medibank was filed in the Federal Court of Australia today.

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    Cybercrime - OAIC representative complaint

    We've been notified by Maurice Blackburn that it has lodged a representative complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commission

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