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  • Emily Ritchie
    Emily Ritchie

    Senior Executive External Affairs

    0429 642 418

    Medibank delivers lowest premium rise in 20 years

    Medibank and ahm health insurance premiums will rise by an average of 3.25% from 1 April 2021, Medibank’s lowest premium rise in 20 years.

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    Medibank 2020 Annual General Meeting

    Chairman Mike Wilkins and CEO Craig Drummond presented Medibank's Annual General Meeting virtually this year

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    Medibank announces investment in East Sydney Private Hospital

    A new investment by Medibank in East Sydney Private Hospital will help doctors give patients more choice in how their care is delivered.

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    Medibank responds to Choice

    Today activist organisation Choice has issued a media release wrongly claiming that health funds have failed Australians during COVID-19

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    Millions of dollars in savings for Medibank and ahm customers

    Medibank and ahm customers are benefiting from approximately $120 million in savings, or on average $70 per policyholder, from the postponement of premium increases for 6 months, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    Medibank welcomes Federal Government commitment to new coronavirus mental health helpline

    We welcome the Federal Government’s $10 million commitment to Beyond Blue to help establish a new dedicated coronavirus mental health and wellbeing support line, to which we have also donated $5 million

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    Medibank retail store changes in response to COVID-19

    With the health and wellbeing of our people and customers as a top priority, we are making some changes to our retail store network.

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    Medibank extends support to customers impacted by bushfires

    Medibank and ahm customers impacted by this bushfire season can contact us for support.

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    Medibank 2019 Annual General Meeting

    Medibank 2019 Annual General Meeting presentations

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