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  • Emily Ritchie
    Emily Ritchie

    Senior Executive External Affairs

    0429 642 418

    Medibank provides update on outlook for FY20

    We've provided additional information regarding our full year 2020 outlook to confirm we've experienced higher than expected claims

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    Medibank and ahm response to ACCC proceedings

    Medibank and ahm today responded to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) proceedings

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    CEO Craig Drummond talks FY19 Results with CommSec

    CEO Craig Drummond talks with CommSec's Tom Piotrowski about Medibank's FY19 full year results

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    Key Dates

    Medibank Private Limited (ASX: MPL) announces key dates in relation to the year ending 30 June 2019.

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    CEO Presentation - Macquarie Australia Conference

    CEO Craig Drummond spoke about Medibank's growth strategy at the Macquarie Australia Conference

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    New funding for peak sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service

    1800RESPECT, the national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service, will receive an additional $64 million over 2 years.

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    Medibank response to recommendations from the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Out-of-Pocket Costs

    We welcome the Australian Government’s decision to accept the recommendations of its committee set up on out-of-pocket costs

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    Medibank 2019 half year results

    This result demonstrates that Medibank’s core business continues to get stronger.

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