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  • Emily Ritchie
    Emily Ritchie

    Senior Executive External Affairs

    0429 642 418

    Key Dates

    Medibank Private Limited (ASX: MPL) announces key dates in relation to the six months ended 31 December 2018 (1H19).

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    Full Federal Court dismisses ACCC proceedings against Medibank

    The Full Federal Court today dismissed the proceedings that were first brought by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) against Medibank in June 2016.

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    Medibank delivers lowest average premium increase in 18 years – and announces early adoption of PHI reform

    Medibank and ahm health insurance premiums will increase by an average of 3.30% from 1 April 2019 – its lowest average premium increase in 18 years

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    Garrison Health Services contract update

    Medibank has been verbally informed by the Australian Government Department of Defence that while the Defence process is not complete, Medibank has not been selected as the preferred tenderer for the renewal of the Garrison Health Services contract.

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    Notice of Annual General Meeting 2018

    Medibank's Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 14 November 2018.

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    Medibank 2018 full year results - Medibank back on track

    $5.3b benefits paid to customers (excluding risk equalisation) $445.1m Group net profit after tax 5 basis points market share growth over the past 6 months 7.20 cents per share final dividend $35m additional value to customers

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    Medibank and ahm to provide up to $6m in financial relief to drought-affected customers

    Medibank and ahm will extend support for drought-affected farmers by providing up to $6 million in financial relief to its customers in the farming community.

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    #metoo movement leads to sharp rise in number of Australians contacting 1800RESPECT for sexual assault and domestic violence support and counselling

    More Australians than ever before are reaching out to 1800RESPECT about sexual assault, domestic and family violence, with the number of people seeking information, referrals and counselling more than doubling recently.

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    Media statement – ACCC and Medibank proceedings

    The Full Federal Court will begin hearing the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) appeal in relation to the proceedings it brought against Medibank in 2016.

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