Top questions to ask your doctor before surgery
There are several simple ways to make sure you’re fully informed before any in-hospital surgery or procedure.
Rehab the most common overnight procedure
Rehabilitation admissions have grown by more than 20 per cent since 2013, overtaking childbirth as the most common reason for an overnight hospital admission.
Medibank reveals its most expensive claims
For the top 10 hospital claims, Medibank paid $3.4 million to customers, with patients requiring more than 1,200 days in hospital, or just under three and a half years.
The 'joint' impact of arthritis on mental health
The findings from the Medibank Better Health Index have revealed a higher incidence of mental health issues among people with arthritis compared to the general population
Scalp cooling caps helping cancer patients
Medibank is offering funding on a trial basis to support its customers with the cost of cooling cap treatments for patients undergoing chemotherapy at Pindara, and a wide range of hospitals nationally.
There's no place like home - Medibank supports dialysis trial
Our dialysis at home trial offers eligible customers haemodialysis in the comfort and familiar surroundings of home, if their treating doctor thinks it’s appropriate.
'Medibank at Home' to give patients greater choice
Medibank has announced a program allowing members with specific health needs to receive care in the comfort and convenience of their own homes, instead of hospital.
Medibank and ahm remove the wait for psychology benefits
Medibank and ahm welcome reforms improving access to mental health services and treatments - going one step further
Medibank re-writes the ‘rules’ on parental leave
All eligible prospective parents, regardless of whether they’re the primary or secondary carer, will be able to take 14 weeks of paid leave within the first 24 months.
Top questions to ask your doctor before surgery
There are several simple ways to make sure you’re fully informed before any in-hospital surgery or procedure.
Rehab the most common overnight procedure
Rehabilitation admissions have grown by more than 20 per cent since 2013, overtaking childbirth as the most common reason for an overnight hospital admission.
Medibank reveals its most expensive claims
For the top 10 hospital claims, Medibank paid $3.4 million to customers, with patients requiring more than 1,200 days in hospital, or just under three and a half years.
The 'joint' impact of arthritis on mental health
The findings from the Medibank Better Health Index have revealed a higher incidence of mental health issues among people with arthritis compared to the general population
Scalp cooling caps helping cancer patients
Medibank is offering funding on a trial basis to support its customers with the cost of cooling cap treatments for patients undergoing chemotherapy at Pindara, and a wide range of hospitals nationally.
There's no place like home - Medibank supports dialysis trial
Our dialysis at home trial offers eligible customers haemodialysis in the comfort and familiar surroundings of home, if their treating doctor thinks it’s appropriate.
'Medibank at Home' to give patients greater choice
Medibank has announced a program allowing members with specific health needs to receive care in the comfort and convenience of their own homes, instead of hospital.
Medibank and ahm remove the wait for psychology benefits
Medibank and ahm welcome reforms improving access to mental health services and treatments - going one step further
Medibank re-writes the ‘rules’ on parental leave
All eligible prospective parents, regardless of whether they’re the primary or secondary carer, will be able to take 14 weeks of paid leave within the first 24 months.