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    Keep your pets egg-stra safe this Easter

    Medibank Pet Insurance

    Australians are encouraged to keep their pets safe this Easter after claims data from Medibank Pet Insurance found there is a spike in claims for chocolate toxicity around Easter time.

    Claims for chocolate toxicity in March and April 2022 were double the yearly average.

    Medibank Group Executive Milosh Milisavljevic said if you’re planning an Easter egg hunt, try to keep your pets away and make sure you collect all the chocolate after you’ve finished.

    “We see a sharp spike of claims for chocolate toxicity every Easter, so it’s a good reminder to keep your chocolates away from your furry friends," Mr Milisavljevic said.

    “Dogs can develop upset stomachs and even pancreatitis as a result of sneaking some chocolate, and may require treatment from a vet.”

    Claims for chocolate toxicity range from $348 to $3,500, depending on the level of severity.

    Signs of chocolate toxicity include:

    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Restlessness
    • Increased urination
    • Tremors
    • Elevated or abnormal heart rate
    • Seizures

    If you suspect your dog has ingested any chocolate, contact your Veterinarian immediately.

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