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    Letter to our customers

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    We’re here to support

    For almost fifty years, Australians have trusted us with their health and wellbeing. We’ve never taken that responsibility lightly. We’re sorry for the impact this cybercrime has had on the wellbeing of all Medibank and ahm customers and we know it’s our job to fix it. Learnings from this experience will continue to strengthen how we manage and protect your data, and right now our priority is to ensure you have all the protection and support you need.


    We've made your data more secure

    We‘re working alongside the best cyber security experts to ensure our systems are better protected. We’ve improved our capability to block overseas and untrusted network access, and added advanced threat monitoring. We are also supporting the Australian Federal Police, who are actively monitoring the internet and known criminal online sites to identify those who are buying or selling stolen information. We’re also taking extra security steps to further protect you, starting with two-factor authentication in our contact centres. So, when you call for support, we can verify your identity, and be sure we’re speaking with you and not someone else. At the weekend, Medibank and ahm proactively took systems offline while we worked with IT security experts from Microsoft to undertake maintenance to further strengthen our systems and enhance security protection.


    Strengthening our ability to safeguard your data

    We’ve commissioned Deloitte to carry out an external review of recent events. This review will help inform the changes we make as a company and, where we can, we will openly share its findings with the broader community. It’s not just data that’s affected. It’s people. People we care for, and whose health and wellbeing remains our absolute focus.


    We’re continuing to make sure you have access to the right people and support, to try to minimise any impact. While our investigation continues, there are currently no signs that any financial or banking information has been taken from our systems. For all past and present customers who would like support, we have partnered with leading digital security companies and health professionals to create our Cyber Response Support Program, designed to guard, protect and care for those affected. This ranges from cyber security protection advice with IDCARE, Australia’s national cyber identity support service, through to expert identity protection services and specialist mental health and wellbeing support. And if you’re in a uniquely vulnerable position, we’re also providing financial hardship support. The latest information on the support available can be found on our websites: Medibank – medibank.com.au/cybersupport ahm – ahm.com.au/cybersupport

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