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    Medibank announces 2013 indigenous funding grants

    Medibank is providing grants to the value of $100,000 to nine local Indigenous projects as part of a commitment to boost Indigenous health and wellbeing.

    The grants are one of the first actions arising from Medibank's Reconciliation Action Plan. The 2013 plan identified that the best way to achieve improved Indigenous health outcomes is to support existing Indigenous organisations, so they can implement the projects they have identified as being important to their communities.

    Medibank Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Rita Marigliani, explains that the projects have all been developed by National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) affiliate organisations.

    "These organisations are an integral part of their communities, so have expertise and firsthand knowledge of the health issues of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups.

    "They adopt a holistic approach to health in the Indigenous population, which includes the physical, social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of individuals and communities.

    "The Medibank grants will play a part in expanding or continuing the projects, to go towards achieving good, long term outcomes."

    Each funded project has a particular health and wellbeing focus, ranging from encouraging healthier eating, increasing physical activity or promoting greater community connectedness.

    "Among the initiatives the grants will support are a food education program for teens, a health assessment and advice program for women and a diabetes education and management program."