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    Medibank invests in better health through new research fund

    A new health research fund aimed at improving the health of Australians was launched today by Medibank as part of the organisation's growing commitment to better health outcomes.

    The Medibank Health Research Fund (MHRF) will focus on the treatment and prevention of serious health conditions that are affecting an increasing number of Australians.

    This year the Fund will support nine research projects (see below) which range from an online tool which assesses patient quality of life and wellbeing, an investigation into the link between dietary intake and dementia, a trial of phone physios and tailed exercise advice with osteoarthritis and a pilot survey tool that monitors women's perspectives of maternity services.

    Medibank's General Manager of Clinical Governance and Quality, Tim Nayton, said advancing health research, through the MHRF, is another way Medibank is working towards creating better health outcomes for all Australians.

    "Investing in health research is critical as we strive to gain a better understanding of the escalating number of serious health issues affecting Australians and impacting the heath sector," Mr Nayton said.

    "The 2014 MHRF grants will make a significant contribution to building better health for the next generation."

    Originally established as the ahm Medical Research Fund in 1986, the Fund is now being broadened to provide the wider community, as well as Medibank members, with an opportunity to directly contribute to important medical research.

    "Each year Medibank will commit directly to the Medibank Health Research Fund, in addition to matching all employee donations to the Fund dollar-for-dollar. We hope Australians will join us to help grow the Fund and ensure this important research continues.

    "Medibank has a long history of helping its members to stay active and maintain their health and wellbeing. Broadening the Fund to invite donations from outside the organisation will enable even greater contributions to create better, deeper research and health outcomes for all," said Mr Nayton.

    A new Medibank Health Research Governance Committee, chaired by Mr Nayton, has been formed to oversee the administration of the MHRF. An important part of its role will be determining the most suitable applications for funding and identifying areas of healthcare that may be prioritised for future research funding rounds.

    The committee will also be responsible for governance of the Fund, managing contributions and allocating the funding to research institutions and organisations.

    To make a tax deductable donation to the Medibank Health Research Fund people can go to www.medibankcf.com.au/research. All donations go directly to support health research.

    Detailed information about all nine research projects being funded this year can be found at bit.ly/1q0dBFq