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    Medibank’s gymbetter expands its offering to reach even more australians

    GymBetter, Medibank’s groundbreaking new initiative which makes gyms more accessible and affordable for all, is going to offer even more choice to Australians with the addition of two new gym networks.

    As of 1 June 2015, the GymBetter network will expand to include YMCA and Fernwood gyms, in addition to existing providers Anytime Fitness and Goodlife Health Clubs.

    Medibank’s Chief Operating Officer, David Koczkar, says, “GymBetter has been a resounding success since it launched five months ago, with tens of thousands of users already registered and many more signing up. With two exciting new gym companies on board, adding over 170 new facilities to the network, we’re delighted to make this service even more accessible to all.”

    The inclusion of Fernwood and YMCA means that GymBetter is now accessible to an even broader range of participants, as YMCA gyms are open to young people aged 16-18 years, while Fernwood is a female-only gym.

    Mr Koczkar continues, “Better health really is for all, so we are pleased that, through our partnership with YMCA, we can now offer GymBetter to young people. It’s never too early to start establishing good habits and looking after your health!

    “We were also getting feedback from many female participants that they wanted to be able to use a female-only gym. The whole point of GymBetter is to remove perceived barriers to fitness, so we have listened to that feedback and are proud to announce our partnership with Fernwood.”

    GymBetter, which launched in January 2015, provides Australians with access to some of the country’s top gyms, with no joining fees or contracts. The cost of a visit is $8.50 for Medibank members with both hospital and extras cover, and $11.95 for non-members. Participants only ever pay for what they use, so if you don’t go, you don’t pay. Importantly, no matter how many times you visit the gym, you will never pay for more than eight visits per month.

    Participants can register for GymBetter through Apple phones and, more recently, Android devices.

    As part of Medibank’s continual review of its network, Fitness First will no longer be a part of the GymBetter network as of 1 June. Participants who previously used a Fitness First gym through GymBetter are encouraged to visit the app and locate their nearest alternative gym from our network.