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    Medibank partners with sydney gay and lesbian mardi gras

    Medibank is proud to announce its official partnership with the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, demonstrating its commitment to better health and the LGBTI community. This coincides with the launch of Medibank’s new advertising campaign, ‘i am better’, which celebrates the changing Australian family dynamic.

    The three year partnership will see Medibank support the Mardi Gras Medical Team – led by a medical committee of 10 volunteers who are all experienced medical practitioners. They will provide services at all of the main festival events.

    Medibank General Manager of Brand and Marketing, Fiona Le Brocq, said: “We are absolutely delighted to support the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. Helping to build a culture of respect and inclusion by embracing diversity is important to our employees, our customers and the communities in which we live and work.

    “Our participation with the Festival’s Medical Team is a further example of Medibank’s efforts to support ‘better health’ which defines why we exist, and drives our commitment to better choices, better confidence and better health outcomes for all Australians,” said Ms Le Brocq.

    CEO of Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, Michele Bauer, said: “Mardi Gras is excited to partner with Medibank. This is not just because of Medibank’s incredible health expertise, but because of their commitment to building better communities that are diverse and inclusive of all people.

    “They support the LGBTQI communities through the whole of our lives and want to support us with our individual needs and circumstances. Medibank is not just an organisation of the past, it is an organisation that wants to grow with our society into the future. Welcome aboard!”

    The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is recognised world-wide as one of Australia’s most iconic events, attracting thousands of participants and spectators, and generating $30m for the NSW economy each year.

    Beginning on 19 February, the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras is two weeks of theatre, music, sport, film and arts events and culminates with the world famous Mardi Gras Parade on 5 March.


    About Medibank:

    Medibank is Australia’s leading private health insurer, providing private health insurance to approximately 3.9 million people through its Medibank and ahm brands. Customers can access Medibank’s products and services through more than 80 retail stores, as well as digital and telephone platforms. Medibank also provides a range of complementary healthcare services including healthcare management services for government and corporate clients, online and telephone-based health services and the distribution of travel, life and pet insurance.