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    Steve vamos appointed as new director

    Medibank is pleased to announce the appointment of Steve Vamos as Non-Executive Director.

    With 30 years' experience in the IT, internet and online industries, Steve will bring significant skills to the Medibank Board during his three year term, effective from 24 October 2011.

    Paul McClintock, Chairman of Medibank, said, "It is with great pleasure that we welcome Steve Vamos to the Board. He is joining Medibank at a particularly fascinating time in the organisation's development and we look forward to his positive contribution as an important member of the team."
    Previously, Mr Vamos led Microsoft Australia & NZ for four years before moving to the United States in 2007, to head up the worldwide operations for Microsoft's online business.

    George Savvides, Managing Director of Medibank, said, "Due to our extended offering of innovative and cost-effective healthcare services to business and government through Medibank Health Solutions, Steve's credentials in the technology industries will be invaluable as we drive Medibank into the future. We are excited to be working with him."

    Mr Vamos also headed up ninemsn for four years and worked for Apple in the 1990s after spending 14 years in senior management roles at IBM Australia. Currently, he is a Non-Executive Director on the Telstra Board and also a member of the Remuneration, Nomination & NBN Committees.

    Steve Vamos said, "I am looking forward to working with the Medibank team. Now is a significant time for the organisation as it continues its development from health insurer to health assurer. I'm excited to be part of this innovative journey. "

    Importantly, Mr Vamos shares Medibank's desire to support the community. He is the founding President of the Society for Knowledge Economics (SKE), a not-for-profit think tank that encourages new and better practices in leadership and management.

    Mr Vamos' appointment follows the retirement of Professor Just Stoelwinder from the Board.