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    Wear It Purple Day at Medibank

    Wear it Purple Day at Medibank 2024

    Today is Wear It Purple Day.

    At Medibank, we're committed to fostering a workplace where everyone feels safe and respected, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

    Each year, we celebrate and recognise the meaning behind Wear It Purple, with the aim of bringing more awareness to the experiences of rainbow young people and their families.

    This year, under the theme of 'Your Passion, Your Pride,' we asked our people to share their best piece of advice for other parents, carers and families supporting LGBTQIA+ young people. This is what we heard:

    Listen and learn –

    “Be there for them, listen and be patient. It can be a roller coaster ride. They are seeking understanding and acceptance along the journey.”

    It’s okay not to know where to start –

    “If you’re not sure where to start, tell them they’re safe and you’re there to support (whatever that looks like) whenever they need.”

    Be a safe space –

    “Let go of cultural or societal biases and focus on understanding your young person’s unique experience.”

    Alongside these valuable conversations, the Rainbow Collective (Medibank’s employee pride network) marked the day with stalls across our offices to raise awareness on LGBTQIA+ mental health, showcase how the Diversity and Inclusion team and the Rainbow Collective are working together to create a safe and inclusive place for LGBTQIA+ employees, and to promote our new LGBTQIA+ allyship video module.

    Funds were also raised for Transgender Victoria, the leading body for trans and gender-diverse advocacy and training in Victoria.

    We are proud to be among the thousands of schools, community organisations and workplaces that are coming together to create a more inclusive future.