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  • Articles tagged 1800Respect (9)

    Standing up against sexism

    Australia is having a very important national conversation about discrimination against women and its clear the community wants action

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    1800RESPECT will continue to operate during the COVID-19 health emergency

    It’s critical during periods of social distancing that those impacted by domestic and family violence know that support is available.

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    MHS proud to deliver world-class national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service

    Medibank Health Solutions welcomes the report from the University of New South Wales and the Australian Government’s announcement of an open and competitive procurement process for the ongoing provision of 1800RESPECT.

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    Australia's hidden problem

    Financial abuse is the most under-reported form of domestic and family violence

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    What I’ve learned over the past two years working in the sexual assault domestic and family violence sector

    Two years into my role as General Manager of 1800RESPECT, I've learned domestic and family violence is a far-reaching issue and it can be overwhelming, but change is happening.

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    1800RESPECT welcomes findings in new report on family, domestic and sexual violence

    1800RESPECT welcomes findings in Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report

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    For some women, the pathway to safety is harder to find

    Women with disabilities, in institutions, in same sex relationships, and those who have had their reproductive rights violated can feel excluded and be less likely to access response services.

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