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  • Articles tagged Short stay (5)

    East Sydney Private Hospital expands facilities to deliver more short stay options to patients

    East Sydney Private Hospital has today announced it has expanded its facilities, to meet the growing demand for short stay surgical options

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    Survey reveals Northern NSW residents waiting a week or longer for health advice, North Coast Health Connect improving access

    Survey reveals Northern NSW residents waiting a week or longer for health advice, North Coast Health Connect supports locals access healthcare

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    East Sydney Private Hospital unveils new state-of-the-art operating theatre

    East Sydney Private Hospital has unveiled a new state-of-the-art orthopaedic theatre, taking the total number of operating suites to seven

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    MQ Health, surgeons and Medibank partner to establish world-class orthopaedic centre in Sydney

    MQ Health will establish a world-class orthopaedic surgical centre in Sydney, with support from leading orthopaedic surgeons and Medibank.

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    Latest report reveals a solution to stretched healthcare system

    Medibank and KPMG have found that a short stay in hospital program, accompanied by home care, could significantly reduce the burden on the stretched healthcare system struggling to cope with the backlog of elective surgery patients in the public system.

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