
Spring clean your fridge – in 10 minutes

There's nothing worse than a mysterious smell coming from your fridge. Here's how to make sure yours is sparkling this summer.

Written by Medibank

At last, winter is over. It’s been a long season of hibernation, cosy nights in and hearty meals. But now, your fridge is probably due for a good, old-fashioned spring clean.

A sparkling clean fridge stocked with fresh and healthy ingredients is the perfect way to start off the warmer months. And it doesn't have to be a whole-day job – there are a few quick things you can do right now to set yourself up for a fresh start.

Step one: Purge the contents

First things first, take everything out of the fridge and sort it into to two piles. To keep and to discard.

Be ruthless here. Old condiments you haven’t used in years? Discard. Old leftovers in Tupperware? Discard. Anything with mould or well past it’s sell by date? Discard.

Whilst food waste isn’t ideal, anything that is potentially dangerous to eat shouldn’t be in your fridge.

Step two: Get it sparkling

If you’ve removed some less than desirable items from your fridge, it’s safe to assume that the inside of your fridge could do with a scrub.

Remove shelves and drawers if you can and soak them in hot soapy water in the sink. Whilst they’re in there, spray the inside of the fridge with a solution of vinegar and water (or your favourite store bought cleaner) and let it soak. Make sure you’re generous with your spray on any soiled areas.

Rinse the shelves and drawers and set them aside to dry. Wipe the inside of the fridge with a clean damp rag and then put your shelves and drawers back in.

Step three: organise your produce

Remember what we said about wasting food? Well this will help you avoid this going forward.

Organise your food into groups so you can quickly and easily see what you’ve got. This way you won’t end up with forgotten items gathering dust (or even mould) at the back of your fridge.

For example, put your dairy on the top shelf, condiments in the door shelves and meat/animal products on the bottom shelf. Use your drawers for veggies. Try to stack items so that items that need to be eaten sooner are at the front so that you minimise wastage. That way you can easily see what you’ve got and make meal plans based off that.

Step four: Stock up

Now its time to stock your fridge with lots of yummy, fresh produce so that you can put your best, healthy foot forward this summer.

Here's some things to add to your shopping list:

  • Fresh fruit and veggies:These staple ingredients should always be on hand, ready to go. Try lining your vegetable drawer with a paper towel to keep the veggies fresh for longer.
  • Fresh herbs:Even the simplest of meals can be made amazing with fresh herbs. Trying mixing roughly torn basil in your tomato salad, or chop some fresh mint through frozen watermelon pieces.
  • Eggs: A great source of protein, eggs make a great fall-back for breakfasts and weekday dinners alike. Think veggie frittatas, ham and cheese quiche, or fried rice.
Written by Medibank

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