1. Relax
Take time to unwind before bed. Don’t expect to doze off within minutes of pulling up the covers. Create a bedtime routine, practise some meditation before bed, read under a soft lamp or do some gentle stretches.
2. Schedule it in
Try and head to bed at the same time each night and establish a consistent time of waking. If you have trouble sticking to a precise time, give yourself a window of an hour or so to drift off
3. Create an optimal sleep environment
Try and create as dark an environment as possible as the amount of external light can interrupt our sleep in the morning. Avoid blue light devices in bed including laptops and smartphones as they can stimulate the brain. Keep your room at a cool, comfortable temperature
4. Monitor it
If you want to look to improve your sleep, start recording basic information - what time you’re going to bed, how long you’re sleeping, what time you’re waking, what you’re eating that evening, how much exercise you’re doing each day and how you feel during the day. Look at the myriad sleep apps and tracking devices around to delve further into the type and quality of sleep you’re having to get the bigger picture.