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Health Insurance
Sales and Support
Phone 1300 968 535
Opening hours
Monday to Friday
8am - 8pm - (AEST)
Saturday - Support
10am - 2pm - (AEST)
Saturday - Sales
9am - 4pm - (AEST)
National Public Holidays
Member Services
Member Enquiries
Phone 1300 505 876
Login to My Medibank
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 8am - 8pm
Saturday, 10am - 2pm
Sunday, Closed
National Public Holidays, Closed
24/7 Medibank Nurse Support
Medibank health insurance members can speak to a registered nurse about their health concerns, at no extra cost1. Anytime of the day or night.
Phone 1800 644 325
Login to My Medibank
Members' Choice Providers
Find Members' Choice providers, Members' Choice hospitals and GapCover doctors.
Protect your personal information
If you've experienced domestic violence or identity theft, or are concerned about the security of your account and want to better protect your personal and sensitive information, we can help. Visit the pages below to learn more.
If you are a hospital, medical, or ancillary provider:
Messaging: Provider messaging
Phone: 1300 130 460
Other insurance
General enquiries
Phone 1300 505 876
Opening hours (AEST)
Monday to Friday, 8am - 8pm
Saturday, 10am - 2pm
Sunday, closed
Cybercrime health and wellbeing line
Speak to a counsellor who is trained to support victims of crime and issues related to sensitive health information.
Medibank and ahm customers and former customers
Phone 1800 644 325
Medibank OSHC
Phone 1800 887 283
ahm OSHC
Phone 1800 006 745
This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Hardship line
If you are in a unique or vulnerable situation and want to discuss hardship support.
Phone 1300 505 876
Opening hours (AEST)
Monday to Friday, 8am - 8pm
Saturday, 10am - 2pm
Sunday, closed
If you are a hospital, medical, or ancillary provider.
Phone 1300 130 460
Opening hours (AEST)
Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
Feedback & Fraud
Contact us by mail
Send mail to
GPO BOX 9999
(your capital city)
Things you should know
1 OSHC members can call the Student Health & Support Line on 1800 887 283.
2 Some referred services may involve out of pocket costs and waiting periods may apply.
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