Before you start
You might think your parenthood journey begins when those magic lines appear on your home pregnancy test. But the preconception period (the months before you conceive) is also an important stage in becoming a parent. If you’re thinking about having a baby, use this time to learn more about planning for pregnancy and beyond.
Check your cover
If you’re looking to start or extend your family it’s worth checking if your current policy includes pregnancy. Log in to My Medibank or give us a call to discuss your options on 132 331.

How long can you wait to have a baby?
Here are the key things to consider if you’re thinking about holding off on having a baby.

Choosing health insurance for pregnancy
When your family is growing, you need cover that meets your changing needs. Find out how to choose the right one.

Preparing emotionally
Falling pregnant and giving birth are both extraordinary journeys. But how do you prepare yourself emotionally for both?

One-stop shopping list for a new baby
It’s time to start your pregnancy shopping list! We’ve done the hard work and made the mother of all lists for baby essentials.
Medibank health support and services
As a Medibank member with hospital cover, you get more than just health insurance. You get extra support, when you need it most.

24/7 Medibank Nurse Support
Health concerns keeping you up at night? Medibank members with health insurance can chat to a registered nurse over the phone or online, any time of the day or night at no extra cost.~
Medibank has partnered with Monash University to trial OptimalMe, a research program designed to help mums-to-be optimise their health before they conceive. The program featured tailored health and wellbeing tips and personal guidance on fitness and nutrition.
Health concierge
Eligible members with hospital cover can now talk to a member of our Health Concierge team for advice and guidance on preconception health, fertility, and how to have a healthy pregnancy, at no extra cost.#

Medibank has a wide range of health and wellbeing services to support eligible members who are planning on starting a family, expecting a new addition, or caring for their growing family.
Looking for more information?
We’ve pulled together some important information to help you as you start your pregnancy journey. Take a look at the topics below.
Looking for something else?
Visit our Planning, Pregnancy and Parenthood homepage to find more tools and advice to help you at every stage of your journey.
Does your cover include pregnancy?
Take a look at some of our Growing Family packages and start by getting an online quote today or give us a call to talk through your options on 132 331. §

Help the way you want it
Contact Medibank when and how it suits you; online 24/7, in-store, by phone, or through the My Medibank app.
Things you should know
§ Waiting periods apply, including 12 months for hospital admissions for pregnancy and birth.
~ Some referred services may involve out of pocket costs and waiting periods may apply.
# Health Concierge is available to all eligible Medibank members who hold hospital cover. Excludes Overseas Visitor Health Cover, Working Visa Health Cover and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). Some referred services may involve out of pocket costs.
While we hope you find this information helpful, please note that it is general in nature. It is not health advice, and is not tailored to meet your individual health needs. You should always consult a trusted health professional before making decisions about your health care. While we have prepared the information carefully, we can’t guarantee that it is accurate, complete or up-to-date. And while we may mention goods or services provided by others, we aren’t specifically endorsing them and can’t accept responsibility for them. For these reasons we are unable to accept responsibility for any loss that may be sustained from acting on this information (subject to applicable consumer guarantees).