
Lessons in personal training

Life Personal Trainers is run by husband and wife duo Kristin and Tanya.

Written by Kristin and Tanya Lewis

The business of helping people make sustained, positive life changes offers mutual benefits for client and trainer. In the game since 2001 and with three fitness studios now open across South Australia, Kristin and Tanya Lewis are experienced professionals who are passionate about helping others on their journey to better health. We had a chat to them to find out how their business has evolved since starting out and how they find working side by side.

What are the benefits and challenges of running a business dedicated to health together?


Tanya and I both share a common passion for health and so it is something that we talk about both at work and home! We both have quite different but complementary skills, so it is great to have an opportunity to use these together. In terms of challenges, we both really believe in what we do but occasionally disagree about the best way to get there – in the end we always come to a resolution.


The benefits are we are on the same page with the importance of exercise, so despite being busy and having a young family, we really help each other make time for our own training. Regarding challenges, while we love what we do sometimes it is hard to turn off completely from work.

Three reasons you love what you do?


  • I am passionate about health and helping others to get organised to improve their health.
  • I enjoy working with a team of like-minded professionals and have enjoyed being part of their professional development journey.
  • I like not having to sit down all day in front of a screen!


  • The real changes you see in people when the penny drops and they prioritise health and realise it is a lifestyle, not just a short term fix.
  • You meet a lot of appreciative people – it is nice to hear their thanks.
  • The health and fitness industry offers great flexibility in hours.

Your business is focused on others – how do you maintain your own personal goals?


Practise what I preach! I have a regular exercise routine set in place with a mixture of road cycling, gym sessions and yoga. The key is to have exercise ‘appointments’ booked in and to be really clear about why you are prioritising your resource to exercise.


Put it in the diary! It helps to have a versa climber in the shed and a spin bike in the laundry. Also, walk instead of driving wherever possible. I push a triple pram daily.

You’ve been in the health and wellbeing space for many years. What has changed, and what’s stayed the same?


From a personal training perspective, the biggest change that I can see is the increasing range of people who see value and access personal training. Formerly it was the domain of the ‘rich and famous,’ whereas now more people use personal trainers to help them maximise the time they have available for exercise and to make sure it actually happens.


The evidence that exercise is medicine has just kept growing and the value of exercise for health is much better promoted.

What do you find you’re doing better now than when you first started out?


I’ve learnt a lot about how to motivate people (both clients and staff) through making lots of mistakes and spending time with other more experienced business operators who have generously shared their learnings with me.


I am much better at selling the idea of personal training. After seeing so many success stories, I have a greater conviction that what we sell is completely worth the investment. I used to be hesitant to suggest someone pay to exercise as I have always enjoyed it but I can understand that at all levels of fitness, a good personal training can make the greatest use of exercise time.

Best health advice you’ve received on your own journey?


Something is always better than nothing (when it relates to exercise).


Set behaviour goals, the outcomes will happen.

Find out more at lifept.com.au

Written by Kristin and Tanya Lewis

Husband and wife duo Kristin and Tanya’s shared passion for wellbeing culminates in their Adelaide-based fitness business, Life Personal Trainers.

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