
Lessons in sports psychology

Australian triathlete Brendan Sexton on why simplicity is the key to sports success.

Written by Brendan Sexton

In elite sport, the goal is to push your body to its absolute maximum and in order to do this, you need to be thinking simply and clearly. For Olympian Brendan Sexton, sports psychology has played a big role in helping him simplify his thoughts in order to make his body do as much as it possibly can.

We caught up with Brendan at a recent 2XU training camp in Canberra where he summed it up for us.

We caught up with Brendan at the 2XU X:Level Training Camp, held at the AIS.

Written by Brendan Sexton

Anyone with the nickname 'Kung fu' must be a character and Australian Olympic triathlete Brendan Sexton certainly is. Brendan not only gives us an insight into his life as a triathlete, he gives us tips on what we can do to ensure we all enjoy the wonderful world of triathlons.

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