
My daily rituals: Sally Fitzgibbons

Pro surfer Sally Fitzgibbons knows a thing or two about creating an active and nourished lifestyle.

Written by Sally Fitzgibbons

How do you see the relationship between food and fitness?

My philosophy is quite simple. I put the best produce, nutrients and fuels into my body so that it can perform to its best potential. Everything we do every day requires energy, and by choosing the right foods, you’re giving yourself the best chance of achieving your goals. That positive relationship between food and fitness will give you a holistic confidence which can’t help but better your attitude and positivity.

What are your daily rituals for health and wellbeing?

  • Make exercise a daily habit. I do one of my FITZ workouts (from my All Australian Beach Body fitness app) every day. I go to bed each night with my runners and gym gear ready to go at the foot of my bed, so once that alarms sounds I’m out the door before I know it on my morning run.
  • A balanced and varied diet with loads of veggies will help you find a great base level of health.
  • Always find time to unwind, both physically and mentally. I stretch every night before I go to bed to iron out the kinks from a day of activity, and I find a quiet space to process and find a relaxed headspace.

What are your top tips for staying motivated to exercise?

I’m the first to admit, keeping up motivation to exercise isn’t always easy. But for me, just like brushing my teeth, it’s a consistent part of the day I just have to do. Keeping your exercise varied and inspired by different practices will keep it creative. Train in different locations as much as possible and find an awesome training partner to keep each other accountable.

What are your favourite breakfasts to fuel you up for an active day?

If I’m after a quick brekkie before a workout I’ll put together a packed smoothie with Amazonia raw protein powder, bananas, almond butter, a teaspoon of natural honey and organic Coco Joy coconut milk. When time permits and I can sit down with friends or family, I love fueling up with poached eggs and avocado.

In her new book, Summer Fit All Year Round (Pan Macmillan, RRP $34.99) Sally shares her 4-week food and fitness plan, with over 100 colourful recipes.

Written by Sally Fitzgibbons

Sally Fitzgibbons is an Australian professional surfer. She is a qualified personal trainer and in 2016 founded her health and fitness business to connect and energise people around the world.

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