
10 ways to enjoy sweet potato

Bursting with flavour and vitamin goodness, sweet potato is a comforting veggie staple.

Written by Medibank

3. Sweet Potato Fries

Chop into strips, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with a little sea salt (or paprika, cumin, garlic powder, oregano or rosemary) and bake until golden.

Recipe inspiration: Try these sweet potato fries to get started.

5. Breakfast hash (Shakshuka)

Throw some sweet potato, onion, garlic and whatever veggies you like (mushrooms, spinach, capsicum, grilled corn) in a pan and heat with olive oil. Top with an egg and garnish with fresh herbs.

Recipe inspiration: Play with this rich and spicy shakshuka to bring a Moroccan twist to your breakfast.

6. Veggie Fritters

Coarsely grate sweet potato, mix into a batter with egg and flour and fry large spoonfuls until golden and crispy. Add zucchini, spring onions, spinach or corn for variety.

Recipe inspiration: Swap out the pumpkin for sweet potato in these delicious veggie fritters.

7. Mash

A sweet and filling side or a base for stews and stir fries. Mash up with rosemary, pepper and a little salt for delicious flavour.

Written by Medibank

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