
6 ways to eat more fruit

The Dietitians Association of Australia shares some refreshing ideas to get more fruit in your diet

Written by Medibank

1. In salads. Fruit can add fantastic colour, tang and texture to summer salads. Fruits that work well include pomegranate, mango, apples, pears or even watermelon!

2. Barbecued. Throw some mango cheeks or halved peaches onto the barbecue and serve with yoghurt and a drizzle of maple syrup for a delicious and healthy dessert.

3. Blended up. Freeze leftover fruit such as banana, mango, paw paw, berries, melon and peaches to use in a quick breakfast smoothie. Just add low-fat yoghurt, low-fat milk and other tasty additions,like almond meal.

4. In breakfasts. Add fruits to your breakfast – seasonal fruits are the perfect addition to your muesli or porridge – or get creative and try a very trendy acai bowl.

5. For dessert. Base your sweet treats on fruit – fresh, stewed, and into healthy crumbles, pies and puddings.

6. Get creative. Think outside the box and enjoy summer fruit beyond a dessert fruit platter – try a nectarine, rocket and walnut salad, a mango and avocado salsa, or barbecued pineapple wedges.

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Written by Medibank

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