
How to fill the late night food void

Five ways to help you make good choices before hitting the pillow.

Written by Medibank

Making good food choices at night is important as we don’t have a day’s worth of activities ahead to burn off what we’ve eaten. Here are five simple tips to guide you through that sometimes-gaping void between finishing dinner and hitting the pillow.

Have a herbal tea – sometimes we just want something… something to sip on while watching TV, something to savour while reflecting on the day. Swapping sweet biscuits for a herbal tea provides a restorative alternative that also helps you unwind.

Have a nutritious dinner – if you’re feeling really hungry before bed, make sure you’re eating enough for dinner. Opt for a meal that is rich in protein, includes a variety of vegetables and is perhaps accompanied by a type of grain.

Assess your bedtime – if you’re finishing dinner around 8pm and heading to bed at midnight, chances are you might start feeling pretty peckish in between. Assess your bedtime, weigh up whether you can nod off any earlier and think about setting the alarm earlier to enjoy a nutritious, sustaining breakfast that you can then burn off through the day.

Brush your teeth – an oldie but a goodie, sometimes just brushing your teeth an hour earlier before bed can give you that ‘clean mouth’ feeling and reduce the likelihood of you reaching for the lolly jar.

Make healthy choices – if you do want a snack, make it a healthy snack. Cut up some fruit and top with a scoop of low fat frozen yoghurt, grab a handful of dried fruit and nuts or think about some yummy treats you can make on the weekend to keep in the cupboard – nut slices or plain pop corn. How about a glass of milk or a few squares of dark chocolate? Sometimes having some considered options in the pantry can make all the difference.

If you try one of these tips be sure to share it using #GenBetter

Written by Medibank

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