
Mushroom and olive pizza with sundried tomato pesto recipe

A quick and easy pizza, rich with the flavours of basil, olives and tomato.

Written by Natascha Elisa


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What to do

    1. To make the pesto, blend all ingredients until well combined.

    2. Preheat oven to 180°C.

    3. Prepare ingredients – slice vegetables, separate basil leaves and discard stems, pit and halve olives.

    4. Place two pieces of flat pita bread on baking paper on a baking tray.

    5. Cover the pita bread generously with sundried tomato pesto. Arrange mushroom and tomato slices.

    6. Place in oven and bake until the edges are slightly brown and crisp.

    7. Remove from heat, allow to cool slightly and top with olives and fresh basil.

Written by Natascha Elisa

Model and blogger Natascha Elisa shares lifestyle, travel and fashion inspiration at her blog In Search of Sadie, and delicious healthy recipes at Clean Cooking Recipes.

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