
Prawn ravioli with tomato, rocket and lemon sauce recipe

A mouth-watering prawn ravioli recipe, perfect for summer entertaining.

Written by Sofia & Isabella Bliss
  • Serves: 4


Nothing beats using your own fresh produce or materials around the house.
If you’re missing a thing or two, tick the items you need to add to your shopping list.

  • Pasta

  • Prawn Filling

What to do

    1. To make the pasta, place the flour, eggs and olive oil in a medium bowl and mix together using your fingers until a dough forms. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 5 minutes or until the dough reaches an elastic and smooth consistency. Wrap in plastic film and set aside to rest while you prepare the filling and until you’re ready to make the pasta sheets.

    2. For the prawn filling, place all the ingredients in the chopper attachment of a stick blender or in a food processor and blend until the mixture forms a paste. Set aside.

    3. To make the pasta sheets, divide the dough into two equal portions. Take one portion, dust with flour, and roll through the widest setting on a pasta machine. Dust the sheet again with flour and roll through the machine on the same setting. Reduce the width between the rollers by one and roll the dough through as before. Repeat the process, adjusting the roller width each time until you reach setting six or seven. Repeat with the second dough portion. Alternatively, roll out the portions as thinly as possible (2 mm works well) using a rolling pin.

    4. To make the ravioli, use a 9 cm round cutter to cut eight rounds out of each pasta sheet. Place a heaped tablespoon of the prawn filling in the centre of one round, lightly brush the edges with water using a pastry brush, then top with a second round. Press the edges of the ravioli together to seal. Repeat with the remaining rounds and filling.

    5. For the sauce, place all the ingredients in a medium saucepan and cook over a high heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture comes to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5–7 minutes.

    6. Place a large pot of salted water over a high heat and bring to the boil. Cook the ravioli, two or three at a time, until they float (by this time, the pasta should be al dente and the filling cooked through – this takes about 3–4 minutes). Drain well.

    7. Arrange two ravioli on each serving plate, top with a couple of spoonfuls of the sauce, season with salt and pepper, and garnish with the rocket leaves. Serve.

Written by Sofia & Isabella Bliss

MasterChef stars Isabella and Sofia Bliss rule the school in the kitchen. With a love of food instilled in them from their mother and nonna, they share with us summer cooking tips and recipes from their book 'A little bit of this, a little bit of that'.

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