
Satay tofu rice paper rolls recipe

Fresh and crunchy, perfect for a warm night. You can also try these with chicken, prawns or beef.

Written by Sally Fitzgibbons
  • Serves: 2


Nothing beats using your own fresh produce or materials around the house.
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What to do

    1. Pour the tamari or soy sauce over the tofu and leave it in the fridge for 1 hour (or at least 5 minutes).

    2. To make the satay sauce, heat the coconut oil in a small saucepan over low–medium heat. Add the onion and fry for 2–3 minutes, then add the garlic, ginger, chilli and turmeric and fry for 1 minute. Remove from the heat and stir in the almond butter. Add the coconut milk, vinegar, tamari or soy sauce and maple syrup, then place over low heat and stir frequently until the sauce thickens slightly.

    3. Heat the coconut oil in a frying pan over medium–high heat, add the tofu and fry for 2–3 minutes on each side until browned.

    4. Lay the vegetables out on a platter with the tofu, herbs, lime and satay sauce. Serve on the table with the rice paper and a bowl of hot water. Soften a sheet of paper in hot water and then get rolling – layering vegetables, tofu, sauce, herbs and a squeeze of lime.

Tip: Once you get the knack of rolling them, it’s super-easy! The trick is to place your ingredients horizontally across the paper about 4 cm from the top, roll the top over once, fold in the sides and then keep rollin’!

Recipe extracted from Summer Fit All Year Round by Sally Fitzgibbons, published by Pan Macmillan Australia. RRP $34.99.

Written by Sally Fitzgibbons

Sally Fitzgibbons is an Australian professional surfer. She is a qualified personal trainer and in 2016 founded her health and fitness business to connect and energise people around the world.

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