We all know going to the dentist is a pain, sometimes literally. But your teeth are pretty precious – just think how much you use them every day. Regular check-ups and cleans can do wonders for your dental health, keeping your teeth healthy and strong for years to come.
Here are just a handful of signs it’s time to visit the dentist.
Bleeding gums
Brushing or flossing too vigorously, brushing too often or using a hard bristled toothbrush can cause bleeding gums and may indicate dental disease. Switching to a soft bristled toothbrush and easing up on frequency may help. If you’re experiencing ongoing tenderness though, it might be something more serious.
A build-up of plaque can lead to infection, resulting in sore, red and swollen gums. These are the early signs of gingivitis or gum disease.
Advanced gum disease, periodontitis, may occur if gingivitis isn’t treated. In addition to the signs of gingivitis, you may experience bad breath, receding gums and loose teeth.
Loose teeth
Losing your first baby tooth is up there for childhood achievements. The same cannot be said for adults – in fact, it's a common nightmare! Gum disease, teeth grinding or clenching, or injury may cause a loose tooth in an adult. Whatever the underlying cause, your loose tooth needs professional attention from your dentist as it can cause further damage.
Mouth sores
Most superficial mouth sores such as ulcers will go away on their own with a couple weeks. Some, however, could be signs of a fungal or viral infection and require topical treatment. If you find whitish coloured sores on the inside of your cheeks, or on the gums or tongue, this could be leukoplakia, a condition that is potentially cancerous.
Jaw pain
Jaw pain is frequently brought on by teeth grinding, something most of us do in our sleep without realising. Dentists can help prevent teeth grinding with custom-made mouth guards. Other causes of jaw pain include tooth aches, sinus problems or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. If you’re experiencing jaw pain, see your dental professional.