
Happiness through health

Rachael Finch is peachy keen about all things health and fitness.

Written by Rachael Finch

For model and TV presenter Rachael Finch, achieving good health and wellbeing is all about balance.

“It’s not just about cutting out this, or adding that in. It’s about relationships, joy, love, career, spirituality, sunshine, getting enough water, eating the right food and taking that holistic approach as opposed to focusing on one or two things,” she shares.

With the birth of her daughter Violet in September, Rachael and her husband Michael’s lives have taken on a new meaning, and the experience has added a renewed focus on their family’s wellbeing.

“I’ve always been healthy and with having Violet now I’m even more health conscious,” she says. “I’ve definitely reduced treats and the amount of sugar I’m having. I still enjoy those things every now and again but I try to limit them because I’m breastfeeding. I just want her to have the best foundation possible.”

With a busy schedule and regular work commitments, support is a vital component to maintaining balance and Rachael jokes that marrying the right person has been a huge bonus.

“Michael looks after Violet and cooks everything for me. He’ll prepare breakfast for me and make me amazing salads and guacamole. I’m very blessed in that respect. Marrying the right person is a big thing!”

The couple met on the set of the TV show Dancing with the Stars in 2010, where they partnered up for the series. Despite their sixth week elimination, the experience was the biggest career highlight for Rachael to date.

“When you get to work on something where you meet the person who you’re going to marry, that just kick-starts so many beautiful feelings inside your body,” she says.

Finding an hour a day to completely zone out, still the mind and think about nothing is something Rachael strives for to maintain mental wellbeing. With such a heavy workload, planning and preparation plays a huge role in achieving this.

“If I know I’ve got a busy day, I think, how am I going to get that extra time in for myself? Whether it’s cooking my breakfast the night before and taking it into work, or packing my bag so in the morning I don’t have to rush around doing it. It’s about making your schedule work so that you can manage and tweak it in a way that you want it.”

At 25, Rachael’s life is more disciplined and focused than many others her age, and finding opportunities to catch up with friends can be a challenge. Making the effort to plan catch-up times is a necessity to ensure they keep in touch.

“We try and see our friends as much as we can. Because I’m so busy sometimes, it’s hard for me. We have to really schedule in time. Recently we all met on Coogee beach and had a BBQ, all of us. Everyone was there all together and it was just so beautiful.”

Despite juggling a jam-packed agenda, growing media career and a young bub, huge goals are on the horizon for this new mum, including a dance competition with her husband later this year, ongoing work as the Australian Summer Stonefruit ambassador and one day completing her first marathon.

Rachael Finch is peachy keen about all things health and fitness.

Written by Rachael Finch

Rachael Finch is a passionate advocate for healthy, holistic and balanced living. The model, TV presenter and former Miss Universe Australia is a popular brand ambassador in the fashion, health and fitness spaces and is currently the ambassador for Australian Summer Stonefruit.

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