
Can you really predict your baby’s gender?

From carrying high to decoding your cravings – we’re here to debunk the myths around predicting your baby’s gender.

Written by Medibank

The short answer here is no. There really is no sure fire way to predict your baby’s gender other than getting an ultrasound or waiting for the birth.

Whether you decide to find out the gender of your baby or keep it a surprise is completely up to the parents to be. Some couples like to feel prepared, whilst others are happy to wait for the big day.

So whilst we know that there’s no real way to predict whether you’re having a boy or a girl, old wives tales have maintained otherwise for years.

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From the faintly ridiculous to the downright outrageous, here are our favourite methods of guessing your baby’s gender.

Carrying high vs. carrying low.

Rumour has it that carrying high means you’re having a girl, while carrying low means you’re having a boy. There’s no science to back this up and it’s thought that the position of the individual mother’s pelvic position, build and uterine muscles is what really affects how you carry your baby.

Sweet vs. salty

The saying goes that craving sweet things means you’re carrying a girl, whilst a desire for salt indicates a boy.

Morning sickness

This undesirable pregnancy symptom has long been blamed on female foetuses. However morning sickness can strike at any time during any pregnancy so this theory is unfounded.

READ MORE: Morning sickness; why, what and how to deal.

The ring test

Tie a ring to a piece of string and hang it over your belly. If it swings in a circular motion you’re having a girl, if it moves side to side like a pendulum you’re having a boy.


Your partner might not thank you for putting this one to the test. An old wives tale purports that if you can eat garlic and not smell like it, it means you’re carrying a girl.

READ MORE: Pickles and hot sauce: Your pregnancy cravings explained

Glow or no?

Some women truly do experience a ‘pregnancy glow’ but back in the day this used to be a way to tell if you were having a girl or a boy. If your hair is glossy and your complexion bright then it’s a boy. If you’re breaking out or your hair is looking lack lustre, you’re carrying a girl.

Written by Medibank

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