
The practical parts of a nursery (that you may have forgotten)

It’ll make your life easier if you don’t overlook any of these small but essential nursery items.

Written by Medibank

If you’ve got a baby on the way, there’s probably already plenty on your mind. That's why we've put together this handy checklist to help you get things ready for your new arrival.


There’s plenty of Instagram-perfect nurseries and baby’s rooms all over the internet, but they’re totally impractical for a sleeping baby! Most newborns will require at least two daytime sleeps, every day, and it’s going to be hard for your new bub to have a restful sleep if the room’s too bright.

Light filled, bright and airy rooms are pleasant to be in, but not so pleasant to sleep in; make sure you’ve got some good blackout shades and curtains for the nursery.


In case you didn’t know already, babies need a lot of stuff, and you’re going to need somewhere to put it all. Between everything that you buy (and everything friends and family buy for you) there’ll be lots to store, including clothes, nappies, bedding, toiletries, and of course, toys.

Make sure you’ve got ample storage space for everything, because the last thing any new parent needs is a cluttered house. Things like changing tables and cots with integrated storage are a great addition to your nursery to help keep things organised and useful.


You’re probably going to be spending a lot of time sitting down in your new nursery, whether you’re feeding, holding, or reading to your baby. Make sure you’ve got somewhere comfortable to sit for extended periods.

It’s alright to treat yourself a little, especially since you’re going to be spending a lot of time sitting in the first few weeks. It’s a good idea to keep a side table by your cozy new chair with plenty of space to store your baby feeding essentials like your nursing pillow, nursing pads, nipple butter, and whatever else you need. It’s also a great place to keep a baby monitor if you choose to use one.


A nursery should be a safe place for your baby, but hazards aren’t always obvious. Here’s a few to keep in mind:

  • Mobiles, curtains and toys - Make sure that there’s nothing hanging over the crib that could possibly be grasped or pulled down by your baby.
  • Mattresses should be snug fitting around the edges of the crib or bassinet, with no visible space between the mattress and the edge of the crib. Make sure the mattress is nice and firm, and springs back quickly when pushed down upon.
  • Night light - Just because your baby’s sleeping doesn’t mean you will be! Make sure you’ve got a gentle night light to help you navigate the room when the lights are off.

Reading this list and seeing something you forgot? If you’re a Medibank member, we’ve got good news. Our friends at Motherworld are offering up to 20% off their range of infant care products, plus free shipping on orders over $59.

Written by Medibank

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