Health Check

Our top COVID-19 apps

Social distancing, contact tracking and practising good hygiene have helped Australia flatten the curve, but new technology is going to keep us on top of it.

Written by Editor Medibank

A team of researchers at Deakin University in Victoria, with the support of Medibank’s Better Health Foundation, have evaluated the range of COVID-19 related apps available in the Australian market. They looked at over 135 apps related to COVID-19 and assessed them based on key criteria, this included that all information be medically sound, that research be validated, that the app feature good functionality, adhere to ethics and be user friendly.

Of the apps evaluated by Deakin there were four apps that rated the highest on their evaluation framework:

  • COVIDSafe
  • Health Direct
  • Coronavirus Australia
  • MyAus COVID-19



Let’s talk about COVIDSafe first. Released by the Australian Health Department, the COVIDSafe app is a contact tracking tool designed to slow the spread of the virus. While it’s completely voluntary to download, the more people who connect to it, the more effective it will be.

Downloading the app is straightforward, you will need to provide your name, mobile number, postcode and an age range. The system will then create a unique, encrypted reference code to identify you.

To be effective, you’ll need to have the app running and Bluetooth enabled as you go about your day.

How it works COVIDSafe recognises other devices who also have it installed and notes the date, time, distance and duration of the contact.

If someone is diagnosed with COVID-19, health officials will ask them for permission to access this information, which will be uploaded to a secure storage system. The health officials can then use the information to:

  • Use the contacts captured by the app to support their standard contact tracking procedures.
  • Call people to let them know they may have been exposed.
  • Offer advice on next steps such as what to look out for, how and where to get tested and what to do to protect further people from exposure.

It’s important to note that officials or the app will not name the person who was originally infected.

You can read about the COVIDSafe app’s privacy features here.

Why it’s important In order to return safely to our normal routines, we need to increase the community’s ability to track and contain any future outbreaks. COVIDSafe does exactly that; by tracking the possible movements of the virus and helping alert people who’ve been in close contact with it.

If you haven’t already downloaded COVIDSafe you can do so for FREE here.



This app has been designed to help you manage your overall health. It was produced before COVID-19 and will continue after and is a handy tool to help you find services near you, discover health related information, check your symptoms, look up details about medications and more. In response to the coronavirus pandemic healthdirect has added more functions including:

  • General COVID-19 health information.
  • Advice on actions to take (self-isolate, social distancing etc).
  • COVID-19 specific symptom checker.

You can download the healthdirect app for FREE here.


Coronavirus Australia

This is another Government app that was produced to help Australians stay updated on all COVID-19 related information. It shares the same symptom checker interface with healthdirect so you can also use it to check your symptoms. While the healthdirect app is to help you manage your health, this one is more about providing important COVID-19 related information such as:

  • The latest official information and important COVID-19 updates.
  • Simple advice depending on your symptoms (i.e. self-isolation, social distancing, seek medical assistance).
  • Official COVID-19 case numbers.
  • Links to official government website for more information.

You can download the Coronavirus Australia app for FREE here.


MyAus COVID-19

The last of the apps highlighted in the Deakin study is MyAus COVID-19. This app has been developed by the Migration Council Australia and is a great option for people who may not speak English as their first language. With MyAus Covid-19 users can stay informed on all COVID-19 related news and information in the language they require. The app features:

  • The latest official news and important COVID-19 updates.
  • Information on how to access the Australian healthcare system and Medicare.
  • Symptom checker.
  • Health and lifestyle links.
  • Details on how to get tested and what to do if you test positive.
  • Large choice of languages.

You can download the MyAus COVID-19 app for FREE on the App Store or Google Play.


Medibank Live Better

Medibank also has our own health and wellbeing app called Live Better*. While this is not COVID-19 specific, we have updated it to feature Live Better at Home, a hub of information, tips and online classes to help Australians eat, move and feel better during this time. You can download the app here.

Want to know more about COVID-19?

Visit the Australian Government’s Department of Health website.

We’re here to help.

24/7 Medibank Nurse Support 
Members with hospital cover+ can call our phone service to speak to a Medibank nurse about their health concerns at any time of the day or night. Call 1800 644 325.

24/7 Medibank Mental Health Support
Members with Hospital cover+ can talk with a mental health professional over the phone in relation to any mental health or emotional concern, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Call 1800 644 325.

Written by Editor Medibank

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Things you should know:

+ Some referred services may involve out-of-pocket costs.

* Must be 16 years or over to register for Medibank Live Better rewards in the My Medibank app. Some program partners and earning activities require a person to be at least 18 years of age to be eligible to earn and/or redeem a reward. Must be a Medibank member with hospital cover, extras cover, or hospital and extras cover, and be up-to-date with premium payments. Excludes Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), Ambulance only cover, ahm covers and other selected covers. Live Better Management Pty Ltd, ACN 003 457 289 has entered into commercial arrangements with Medibank Live Better program partners and may receive commissions. Please choose carefully as rewards will not be amended, cancelled, exchanged or refunded due to change of mind. Points earning activities and rewards are subject to change without prior notice and may be subject to availability. Additional terms and conditions may apply to points earning activities and rewards. See full Medibank Live Better rewards terms.

~ Double Live Better rewards points - Offer available to eligible Live Better rewards users who use their linked payment card to shop with adidas, Apple, Brooks Running, Calm, CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, Elite Supplements, Everlast, Garmin, Good & Fugly, House, Lite n’ Easy, Oztrail, Peninsula Hot Springs, She Science, SUNNYLiFE, THE ICONIC and Youfoodz between 25 March – 15 April 2025, subject to the ‘Linked payment card’ terms and conditions below. This offer may be withdrawn or changed.

^ Linked payment card - To earn Live Better rewards points, payment must be made directly to an eligible Live Better rewards partner using a linked Mastercard, Visa or eftpos payment card at the time of purchase (including payments made with Apple Pay or Google Pay using a linked payment card). Live Better rewards points will only be earned on the total amount charged to a linked payment card. Live Better rewards points earned will be displayed in a Live Better rewards user’s account within 60 days of the date of an eligible purchase. Live Better rewards points cannot be earned on (1) purchases made via a third-party payment provider or platform such as PayPal and Afterpay, (2) purchases that are cancelled or refunded, (3) any purchase amount paid for by a gift card or reduced with a promotional discount or (4) purchases made in conjunction with any other third-party or third-party offer. Individual terms and conditions apply to different Live Better rewards partners. Specific terms and conditions for each Live Better rewards partner are available via the Live Better rewards partner hub.

± 1,000 extra points for linking payment card offer - Offer available to eligible Live Better rewards users who link a Mastercard, Visa or eftpos card with their Live Better rewards account between 25 March – 15 April 2025 (Offer Period), subject to these terms and conditions. One thousand (1,000) Live Better rewards points will be credited to the Live Better rewards user’s account within 60 days of linking a payment card with their Live Better rewards. This offer can only be claimed once per Live Better rewards user during the Offer Period. A Live Better rewards user is not eligible to claim this offer if, at any time since joining Live Better rewards, the user has previously received any Live Better rewards points for linking their payment card to their Live Better rewards account. This offer may be withdrawn or changed.

Apple, the Apple logo, and Apple Pay are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Google Pay, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.

While we hope you find this information helpful, please note that it is general in nature. It is not health advice, and is not tailored to meet your individual health needs. You should always consult a trusted health professional before making decisions about your health care. While we have prepared the information carefully, we can’t guarantee that it is accurate, complete or up-to-date.

Medibank does not endorse or is not affiliated in any way with the COVIDSafe app, Health Direct app, Coronavirus Australia app, and MyAus COVID-19 app. And while we may mention goods or services provided by others, we aren’t specifically endorsing them and can’t accept responsibility for them. For these reasons we are unable to accept responsibility for any loss that may be sustained from acting on this information (subject to applicable consumer guarantees).