New Medibank data shows that 10 Medibank members spent nearly 7 years admitted to hospital in the year from May 2017.
The 10 longest hospital admissions for members equalled a total of 2,436 days and ranged from 339 – just under a year – to 200 days for a single stay. The longest admission in hospital saw Medibank pay a benefit of nearly $150,000 on behalf of our customer.
NSW had the longest stays in hospital, with 10 of our customers having nearly 6 years of hospital admission days between them (2,149 days), followed by Queensland with 10 customers staying for 1,803 days.
The data also shows that psychiatric admissions were the most common cause of an extended stay in private hospital, accounting for 6 of the 10 longest private hospital admissions – and attracting a total benefit from Medibank of $498,113.