Health Insights

Which state consumes the most alcohol?

We break down alcohol consumption by state and reveal which state is drinking the most.

Written by Editor Medibank

According to data from the Medibank Better Health Index, Victorians are consuming the least amount of alcohol, drinking 9.79 alcoholic drinks per week -- less than any other state.

At the other end of the scale, Queenslanders are the biggest drinkers, with our data showing that those in Sunshine State are drinking an average of 11.14 alcoholic drinks per week.

How do drinking trends differ state-to-state?

Tasmanians were found to favour wine -- both red and white -- more than any other state, while those in Western Australia consumed more glasses of champagne/sparkling wine on average each week than any other state. Queenslanders appear to be the nation’s biggest beer drinkers, with South Australians drinking the least.

How does our weekly consumption compare to the national guidelines?

According to the National guidelines, healthy men and women should drink no more than two standard drinks a day to reduce the lifetime risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury. And on a night out? The guidelines advise that we keep it to no more than four standard drinks on a single occasion of drinking.

So while it appears that most Australians may be sticking to these guidelines and drinking responsibly, we do know that many Aussies are drinking far too much. This puts us at increased risk of injury, accidents, violence and over 200 physical and mental illnesses.

With this in mind, it’s worth tracking how much you are actually drinking and getting familiar with what a standard drink is.

If Sunday morning is more or less synonymous with a “hangover” in your mind, a break from alcohol might be just what your body needs. Check out our 7 tips for tackling a break from alcohol here.

For more Medibank Better Health Index findings comparing the health of Australia’s states and territories, visit our State of the States collection.

Written by Editor Medibank

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