# Maximum 500 points per member per calendar year. Member will be awarded points for their first eligible consultation each calendar year at one of the following services: physiotherapy, chiropractic, remedial massage, acupuncture or podiatry. Service must be completed by a Members' Choice Advantage provider. Must be a Medibank member with eligible extras cover, or eligible hospital and extras cover. Member must be up-to-date with premium payments. Waiting periods and annual limits may apply. Member must have already signed up to Medibank Live Better with the My Medibank app within 6 months from the date of receiving the eligible health service to be awarded points, subject to Medibank Live Better terms. Live Better Points earned from claims for children under 18 years of age will go to the policy holder’s Live Better account. See full Medibank Live Better terms. Excludes Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), Ambulance only cover, ahm covers and other selected covers. Medibank's agreements with Members' Choice Advantage providers are subject to change. Not available in all areas.
~ Maximum 1,000 points per member per calendar year for Healthy Living Extras. Maximum 2,000 points per member per calendar year for all other extras. Award of Live Better rewards points is subject to the approval of a claim for the health service. Waiting periods may apply. Not available in all areas. Points will be credited to a members' account only when the member registers as a Live Better rewards member within 6 months from the date of the receiving the health service, subject to the Medibank Live Better rewards terms. Must be a Medibank member with extras cover (excludes ambulance only cover), hospital cover or hospital and extras cover, be up-to-date with premium payments and have signed up to Medibank Live Better with the My Medibank app to redeem rewards. See full Medibank Live Better terms.
+ Points cannot be earned on the cost of any services (including eye tests), on purchases paid for with a Specsavers gift card or on non-prescription goods such as non-prescription sunglasses, safety glasses, protective glasses or precision tinted lenses. All optical items offered are subject to availability and are subject to Specsavers Terms of Service and Returns & Warranty policies. For in-store purchases, you must use your Medibank membership card through HICAPS at the time of purchase to earn Live Better rewards points. This applies even if you have hospital only cover or have already reached your annual optical extras limit. If you have extras cover and any annual optical extras limit remaining, you will also be submitting a claim for benefits. For online purchases at https://www.specsavers.com.au/, you must submit an extras claim for prescription optical goods to earn Live Better rewards points. Members with hospital only cover, or Healthy Living Extras cover cannot earn points for online purchases. Points earned will be displayed in your Live Better rewards account within 5 business days, or once you have signed up to Medibank Live Better rewards with the My Medibank app within 6 months, from the date of your in-store purchase or making an extras claim for online purchases. A maximum of 10,000 Live Better rewards points can be earned per transaction. This offer may be withdrawn or changed at any time. Live Better rewards points earned from claims for children under 18 years of age will go to the policy holder’s account. A maximum of 10,000 Live Better rewards points can be earned per transaction. This offer may be withdrawn or changed at any time.
^ Medibank Live Better Challenges & Goals Earning Policy: The participant of a Medibank Live Better Challenge or Goal may not receive Live Better points or may have their already credited Live Better points reversed in accordance with the Medibank Live Better terms and conditions. To earn Live Better points, the participant needs to properly complete 100% of the eligible Challenge according to the instructions. The number of Live Better points available for Medibank Live Better Challenges and Goals is subject to change without prior notice. The maximum number of Live Better points that each Medibank Live Better member can earn from successfully completing health and wellbeing Challenges, Goals or any Onboarding action in a calendar year is 40,000 Live Better points. To the extent of any inconsistency between this Policy and the Medibank Live Better terms and conditions, the terms and conditions will take precedence.
1 Waiting period applies. If your full annual optical limit (or more than $225 remaining of your limit) is not available at time of purchase, out of pocket costs may apply. Both pairs must be of the same prescription. Other lens options available at an extra cost.
2 Eligible Medibank members with optical extras. Available in store only. Other lens types available at an extra cost. Use with other offers restricted. Excludes healthy living extras cover. Subject to your policy's waiting periods, annual limits and fund rules. If your full annual optical limit is not available at time of purchase, out of pocket costs may apply. Present your valid Medibank membership in store to redeem.
* Eligible members on Medibank extras (excluding Healthy Living Extras and Gold Ultra Health) can claim a maximum of two 100% back dental check-ups per member, per year at a Members’ Choice Advantage provider (including bitewing x-rays where clinically required). For members on eligible extras, the first two check-ups do not count towards your annual limit. Members with Healthy Living Extras can get 100% back on one dental check-up each year at a Members’ Choice Advantage provider (including up to two bitewing x-rays, where clinically required) or at a Members’ Choice provider (excluding x-rays). Members with Gold Ultra Health can get 100% back on up to three dental check-ups at a Members’ Choice or Members’ Choice Advantage provider. Members’ Choice and Members’ Choice Advantage providers are not available in all areas. Two month waiting period applies.Some products may have other dental benefits, check your cover summary for details.