On this page
- Our focus
- Reporting
- Policies and practices
Our approach to sustainability supports our Better Health for Better Lives purpose
Everyone in Australia deserves to live their best quality of life – for themselves, their communities and future generations. This extends across all parts of our business – from our customers and patients, people and community, through to our environmental commitments and the governance that underpins how we operate.
Our focus
Our materiality assessment helps us identify the sustainability issues that our customers, patients, people, shareholders, community members and industry bodies believe are most important for us to address. Our broader focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors is overseen by the Medibank Board through the Risk Management Committee.
We support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which seek to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

Our sustainability reporting aims to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. We report on our sustainability performance every year across the themes of customer health, employee health, community health, environmental health and governance. We also engage with a range of ESG benchmarks, frameworks and initiatives. We receive external ratings that are independently assessed and aim to report in line with globally-recognised standards.

Policies and practices
Our policies and practices reflect our approach to sustainability. We are committed to sound governance practices and have a range of policies that set out our ethical responsibilities across areas including diversity and inclusion, the environment, health, safety and wellbeing, human rights, modern slavery, and responsible investment. We also have active plans underway in the areas of reconciliation, and accessibility and inclusion.