Healthy at home
Suggestions to help improve your health while spending extra time at home.
How to stay healthy while working from home
Coronavirus (COVID-19): separating fact from fiction
The benefits of healthy home cooking
Working from home...when the family are all home
8 ways to prepare for cold and flu season (in a COVID-19 world)
How to plan for a healthier future during COVID-19

Looking after your family
Information, tips and ideas to help you manage your changing family situation at home.
Expecting a baby during COVID-19
Bringing home a new baby during a pandemic
Caring for a loved one with COVID-19
How to guide teenagers through COVID-19

Managing mental health
Tips and ideas to help reduce stress and cope with the changes and uncertainty of COVID-19.
Staying connected at a time of social distancing
Self-isolation: how it helps to stop COVID-19 and tips to help you get through
Staying on top of your mental health: tips for coping during COVID-19
Worried about someone's mental health?

Getting treatment or going to hospital
What you need to know if you need treatment for a health condition.
How to keep up with your health checks during COVID-19
What to do if you have COVID-19
I suspect I have COVID-19. What next?
Getting your medicines during the coronavirus outbreak: what you need to know
Cancer and COVID-19: what you need to know
Is it safe to go to hospital during COVID-19?
Live Better at Home
At Medibank, we know that caring for yourself helps you to care for those around you. That’s why we’ve created Live Better at Home.
We're encouraging all Australians to join our daily Eat, Move and Feel activities that will help us all stay active, stay healthy and Live Better at Home.

New podcast alert: Parenting in the age of coronavirus
Medibank proudly supports a new podcast hosted by experts in children's health at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute. You’ll get evidence-based tips and tricks for adjusting to COVID-19.
Providing support for our members
Our 24/7 Medibank Nurse and Medibank Mental Health Phone Support lines are available for all health insurance members.
Due to higher demand for these services we are increasing the number of our health experts.

Chat with an expert about your health cover via Help Online, available Monday to Friday 8am - 10pm and 9am - 6pm Saturday and Sunday.
24/7 Medibank Nurse Support
Medibank members with health insurance can chat to a registered nurse over the phone or online, any time of the day or night at no extra cost.*
24/7 Medibank Mental Health Support
Medibank health insurance members can speak with a mental health professional over the phone or online at no extra cost.* Call 1800 644 325 or chat online anytime of the day or night, 7 days a week
Self service options
Online or via the app - My Medibank is your personal health insurance hub to help you use and manage your cover wherever and whenever it suits you.

More information, advice and support
Managing your mental health and wellbeing
How to deal with the stresses of COVID-19, coping with isolation and other ways to look after your emotional wellbeing.
Managing existing health concerns
Information and support on how you can manage an existing health condition - pregnancy, heart health, diabetes, etc.
Important information for you to know
The following information below may help in providing some clarity at this challenging time. If there's anything we can help you with, please don't hesitate to call us.

Every state and territory will have their own advice and regulations in place, so we recommend calling your health provider to check their COVID-safe practices before an appointment. There may even be a telehealth option for your consultation.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners have outlined some helpful information on how and when to book a telehealth consultation.
Now is an important time to keep to our health checks and appointments with health professionals to help prevent and manage any ongoing health issues during this difficult and stressful time.
If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, such as a runny nose, sore throat, coughing, fever, loss of taste or smell, please get tested as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about getting tested, call the National COVID-19 Helpline on 1800 020 080 or call your GP. Check the links below for the nearest COVID-19 testing clinic in your state or territory:
ACT — covid19.act.gov.au
QLD — covid19.qld.gov.au
NSW — nsw.gov.au/covid-19
SA — covid-19.sa.gov.au
TAS — coronavirus.tas.gov.au
VIC — dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus
WA — healthywa.wa.gov.au
As we enter our third year of the pandemic, feelings of isolation and loneliness are shared by many. But it's important to know that you're not alone.
Please visit the Medibank Better Minds website for helpful advice, guidance and support for your mental health needs. Our 24/7 Medibank Nurse Support is also available around the clock on 1800 644 325.*
You can also reach out to the following mental health services:
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4535
Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800
The symptoms of COVID-19 to look out for include:
Runny nose
Sore throat
Chills or sweats
Shortness of breath
Loss in sense of taste or smell
If you’re feeling any one of these symptoms, please make sure you get tested as soon as possible.
Most importantly, if you have serious symptoms such as difficulty breathing, call 000 for urgent medical help.
Get vaccinated - it’s one of the most important and effective ways to stop the spread of COVID-19, and protect our loved ones.
Get tested if you feel unwell and self-isolate until you’re given the all-clear.
Keep up good hygiene.
Wear masks – in line with your state and territory public safety orders.
If you do have COVID-19 or you’ve been identified as a close contact, make sure you isolate in your home and follow state or territory public health advice.
Things you should know
* Some referred services may involve out of pocket costs and waiting periods may apply.
While we hope you find the information on this webpage helpful, please note that it is general in nature. It is not health advice, and is not tailored to meet your individual health needs. You should always consult a trusted health professional before making decisions about your health care. While we have prepared the information on the webpage carefully, we can’t guarantee that it is accurate, complete or up-to-date. And while we may mention goods or services provided by others, we aren’t specifically endorsing them and can’t accept responsibility for them. For these reasons we are unable to accept responsibility for any loss that may be sustained from acting on this information (subject to applicable consumer guarantees).