Using Your Cover

How a Medibank nurse can help

Find out how the 24/7 Medibank Nurse phone service is helping members everyday.

Written by Bianca Mills

Medibank’s experienced and passionate nurses can help Medibank members with hospital cover with any health questions they have, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Here, Nurse Bianca Mills explains how she helps members with their health concerns.

A range of questions can come through on my phone

Some members will ring needing simple health information or advice such as an immunisation schedule or the best way to manage chicken pox. Others will ring seeking an assessment of their symptoms and advice on what they should do next. This can range from the common cough and cold, to chest pain, anxiety or neurological changes.

There are a variety of calls, but they all have one thing in common

Most members call our service because they are unsure as to what to do, or because they need to discuss a health concern with us. The variety of calls are vast– but the one common thread that runs through all is the positive change in the caller by the end of the call. They are calmer, more confident and empowered that they now have the knowledge about what steps to take next.

Our services range from urgent first aid right through to general home care advice

We also have access to a database and can also search for support services such as a caller’s nearest local health provider, whether they need a medical centre, mental health provider or Emergency Department. We also have the ability to connect people with the ambulance service if necessary.

I find questions tend to have a seasonal pattern to them

In winter, it’s all about common coughs, colds or flu symptoms. Little ones with croup, or people with an exacerbation of their asthma. Over the summer months we tend to get more questions about insect bites, sunburn and heatstroke. Over the Christmas period we often see an increase in people calling about mental health concerns. For parents of young children common questions are invariably around immunisation, fever, gastro and rashes.

We get a lot of repeat callers

I believe this is the result of having experienced great satisfaction with our service. It takes time to develop confidence in a health service, but the fact that members do call back is a testament to the confidence they have developed in us to support them with their health concerns.

It’s rewarding when the caller says that they feel calmer and more reassured

People may ring and be quite panicked, distressed or confused. There is a marked change in them by the end of the call and they are calmer and express their thanks because they have clarity about what to do next.

For example, we get many parents and care givers calling who are worried about a child's temperature. It is great to be able to reassure them and provide them education. I find this really rewarding.

I recently had a caller ring back to say thank you for the assessment and advice I gave her

She had called about her friend who had a cluster of concerning symptoms that indicated a serious medical condition. Emergency transport was organised and her friend is now recovering well after surgery to correct an internal bleed. They were both so very grateful, and of course that kind of feedback is so wonderful to hear.

Medibank members with hospital cover can call the 24/7 Medibank Nurse phone service on 1800 644 325, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. OSHC members should contact the Student Health and Support Line on 1800 887 283.

For advice closer to home, listen now below with tips on keeping kids illness free at school.
Written by Bianca Mills

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