For most of us, sitting down is a full time job – literally. Unless you’ve struck gold and have figured out a way to make dog walking your career, then most of your workday is likely being spent sitting down at your desk.
So, with 10,000 steps the recommended amount we’re told to walk every day, here are a few top tips for squeezing in more stepping, and less sitting, into your work day.
Take a break at lunch
It might save you time, but eating lunch at your desk while you keep working isn’t the best for your body, or for your brain. Take your lunch outside, and take a stroll down to your nearest park for some sunshine and fresh air.
Find an errand to run, three times a week
For all of us who complain about not having enough time in the week to get things done – make time! Your lunch hour can be pretty handy if you get out there and use it to tick something off your personal to-do list. Whether it’s booking a doctor’s appointment or getting down to the post office, make a point to use your break to do something useful and active.
Walk to or from work
This is the easiest way to get some physical activity into your life – throw on your running shoes, and leave the house half an hour earlier. If you live far from work, then try getting off a few stations earlier and walking the last few blocks. It’s a great way to clear your head before and after a big day.
Take the stairs
Resisting the escalator or lift is no mean feat pre-coffee 9am, but we promise you those flights of stairs are going to be worth it.
Make it social
Committing to a walk with a friend at lunchtime is a great way to get outside, with no excuses to opt for a desk lunch instead. Catch up on the goss, and take 30 minutes away from the office to feel refreshed for the afternoon ahead.
Bonus Tip
Using a wearable device like Fitbit is a super easy way to keep track of how many steps you take throughout the day, keeping you across your fitness goals.