
7 ways to get active in spring

It's time to make the most of the longer, warmer days.

Written by Medibank

After the dark chill of winter, spring feels like a burst of warmth, light and colour. It’s a time of growth and new beginnings – and the perfect time to focus on feeling your best by getting active.

Take your workout outside, try a new fitness class, or get your family and friends involved. Here are a few ways to mix up your workout this spring.

1. Bike riding

Get the family together for a weekend bike ride. Choose a scenic coastal or leafy route, or ride to a special destination for a picnic. Cycling is a wonderful activity for all ages and levels of experience. It strengthens your legs and core, boosts your fitness and may even help with maintaining a healthy weight. Plus, it’s a great way to experience natural scenery and make it an active day out.

Tip: Try some of these beautiful locations for a family bike ride.

2. Pilates

Work on your core and feel strong, slim and toned. Pilates uses small, controlled movements to stretch and strengthen the body, with a focus on your abdominals, posture and alignment. It can be modified for all different levels, from gentle beginner classes to more advanced techniques, so it’s something anyone can try. Start with mat pilates, or try a reformer class for more of a challenge.

Tip: Try this pilates routine at home.

3. Outdoor fitness classes

Whether bootcamp or yoga is more your style, plenty of outdoor classes pop up during spring. Breathe in the fresh air and let the group atmosphere inspire you.

Tip: Here’s how to find free fitness activities near you.

4. Hiking

Pack some healthy snacks and lace up your hiking boots – there are so many beautiful tracks to explore, giving you the perfect way to get back to nature. You’ll get a cardio workout, strengthen your legs, and boost your mood and energy.

Tip: Plan a trip and conquer a really special walk. Here are some of the best hiking trails around Australia.

5. Volleyball

Head to the beach with some friends and start up a fun, casual volleyball game. It’s an enjoyable way to burn kilojoules, get your heart rate up and work your arms, chest, shoulders and legs.

6. Rollerblading

Go retro and roll along the beach or around the park – it’s a fun way to get active, and the kids will love it too. It makes a fresh change from bike riding and uses your leg and core muscles.

7. Running

Warmer, brighter mornings are perfect for rising early and hitting the pavement. Start with a jog around the park, or sign up for a running event and set yourself a challenge to train for. Running is great for the whole body, building your fitness as well as toning your muscles and boosting your mental health.

Tip: Here’s how to reach your running goals.

Written by Medibank

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