
Guy Andrews: Fit for life

Former Ironman Guy Andrews talks about how he's kept fit after competition and offers advice.

Written by Guy Andrews

In the world of surf Ironman comps, there’s a handful of Aussie names synonymous with the sport, and one of those is Guy Andrews.

Three-time Uncle Tobys Ironman series winner, Guy inspired a generation of athletes with his string of gut-busting victories through the '90s, alongside the likes of Trevor Hendy and Guy Leech. At 44, he hasn’t stopped pushing himself to the limit, switching competitive Ironman races for adventure racing and triathlons.

Having recently mentored participants through the tough Bravehearts 777 challenge, racing seven marathons across seven states in seven days to raise funds to protect Australian children against sexual assault, Guy remains an incredibly motivating presence in Australian sport.

In a moment of down time, we asked Guy his thoughts on remaining fighting fit in his 40s.

You’ve been in peak physical condition for so many years now. What keeps you going?

The exhilaration of feeling fit, along with multi-discipline training to avoid imbalances and injuries in the body. I have a healthy diet, try to get early nights and avoid alcohol.

How do you feel racing competitively in your 40s?

I’m not quite as ruthless as I was in my 20s, but I still expect the best from myself.

What messages of motivation do you have to share with others to #playoutside?

Follow Guy's adventures at guyandrewsadventure.com

Former surf ironman champ Guy Andrews on staying strong, fit and super competitive.

Written by Guy Andrews

Guy Andrews is a three time Uncle Tobys Ironman series winner. He now focuses on adventure racing, multisport and encouraging everyone to #playoutside.

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