
5 festive recipes on a budget

How to create a healthy Christmas menu without breaking the bank.

Written by Tim McGuire

In the lead up to the holidays, it’s easy to be swept up in the mania of decorating, gift-buying and festive food preparation. Every trip to the grocery store can seem like a giant red, green and gold reminder that the silly season is here, and that it’s hungry.

But cooking for the holidays doesn’t need to be stressful or complicated. There’s something wonderful about a light and bright menu done on a dime, one that doesn’t leave your guests feeling stuffed and sleepy, or leave you with too many leftovers and dirty dishes.

Whether you’re wanting a special plate to take to a busy pot-luck lunch, or needing something simple for a smaller celebration at home, these recipes will bring out a festive flavour with every bite.

Strawberry daiquiri mocktail

Refreshing, bright and seasonal, this might just be the perfect festive spritz. And the best thing about this recipe? Frozen strawberries will work just as well as fresh ones, saving you time and money at the farmers market. If you don’t go bananas over strawberries, you can easily substitute them for frozen mango pieces or your other favourite fruit.

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Lemon, zucchini and feta pasta

Perfect as a side dish, served hot or cold, this zingy pasta heroes the very in-season and budget-friendly zucchini.

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Peach salsa 

When the festive season is warming up, this quick and easy salad is a great way to cool down. You can put it together from start to finish in just a few minutes – perfect for when you have unexpected visitors pop in.

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Healthier rocky road

This healthier take on rocky road is still sure to please those with a sweet tooth. Swap out the nuts and dried fruit for what you have in the pantry to keep costs down.

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Pineapple gingerbread crumble 

A summer riff on a winter classic. Combining the best of in-season pineapple with the festive cheer of gingerbread flavours, this dessert is as fun and festive as it budget-friendly.

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Written by Tim McGuire

Tim McGuire is a reader, writer and editor living and working in Narrm/Melbourne.

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