
Green breakfast bowl recipe

Start the day out right with the goodness of eggs, greens and halloumi.

Written by Kimberly Parsons
  • Serves: 2


Nothing beats using your own fresh produce or materials around the house.
If you’re missing a thing or two, tick the items you need to add to your shopping list.

What to do

    1. Put the eggs in a small saucepan with just enough water to cover. Bring to the boil and boil for 3 minutes. Remove the eggs with a slotted spoon, place the eggs under cold running water until cool enough to handle. Very carefully peel off the shells and set aside.

    2. Heat one tablespoon of the coconut oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Add the garlic and cook, constantly stirring, until the garlic is fragrant and lightly browned. Add the almonds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds and toast until lightly browned. Add the cooked quinoa and the sea salt. Now add the kale and spinach leaves and mix to incorporate. Once the kale and spinach have slightly wilted remove from the heat.

    3. Spoon the mixture into serving bowls then, using the same frying pan, crumble the halloumi into the pan and gently cook until golden on all sides. This will only take a few minutes. Remove from the pan and set aside.

    4. Add the halloumi to each serving bowl. Place the eggs into the frying pan and turn until a little colour is added to each egg. Add an egg to each bowl, followed by the grated coconut flesh, lemon wedges and avocado slices. Serve immediately while still warm.

Written by Kimberly Parsons

Kimberly Parsons is an Australian qualified naturopath, chef, author of The Yoga Kitchen and founder of Retreat, a vegetarian cafe based in London.

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