
Make the perfect smoothie bowl

Naturally sweet and full of nutritious goodness, this is the perfect summer breakfast.

Written by Emma Stubbs

Move over chia puddings and quinoa porridge, there’s a new kid on the healthy breakfast scene: the smoothie bowl.

There’s no need for a red and white striped paper straw, a jam jar or a vintage milk bottle. This Insta-worthy breakfast is a job for a bowl and a spoon, and I love it. I personally believe everything tastes better in a bowl.

In case you’ve been living under a social media rock, smoothies have upped their game. They have become thicker, with almost an ice cream consistency, and now come with an extra crunch on top like a sundae. To me, they are colourful, deliciously nutritious bowls of happiness.

But without spoiling the magic, here’s the thing: it’s very easy to get carried away making your smoothie and then topping it with all the bells and whistles. Before you know it, the overall energy density and sugar content of your breakfast can skyrocket, and suddenly you’re starting your day with something decadent.

Here’s how to make a delicious and nutritiously balanced smoothie bowl.

Healthy breakfast green smoothie bowl topped with fruits, nuts, berries and seeds over rustic wooden background
“Add some avocado for a creamy consistency, or top with a sprinkle of nuts or seeds for healthy fats, protein and fibre.”

1. Start with some frozen fruit such as bananas, berries and mango

Frozen fruit helps thicken the consistency of the smoothie and provides a natural sweetness. The inclusion of fruit ensures you are providing your body with a variety of vitamins and minerals, plus fibre which contributes to a feeling of fullness (thus discouraging overeating) and helps keep your digestive system healthy.

2. Add some greens

If you struggle to get your five serves of vegetables in each day, a handful of spinach is a nice inclusion – and you’ll barely taste it.

3. Blend with some protein (Greek yoghurt, milk, a nut butter or protein powder)

This is an important component. Including protein-rich ingredients helps to keep you feeling full for longer.

4. Include some healthy fats

Add some avocado for a creamy consistency, or top with a sprinkle of nuts or seeds. In addition to providing healthy fats, nuts and seeds contain protein and fibre which can help further control your appetite.

5. Top with your favourite grain or muesli blend

Including wholegrain carbohydrates is important for sustained, long-lasting energy. You could blend some oats in your smoothie, but adding as a topping means you have to chew more, and creates a contrast of textures that makes the smoothie bowl so magical.

I would love to see all your smoothie bowl creations. Feel free to tag @emmajstubbs and @medibank on Instagram.

Written by Emma Stubbs

Emma Stubbs is an Accredited Practising Dietitian working in clinical dietetics and health promotion. For more of Emma’s nutrition advice, head to

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