1. Your house is clean
A messy floor-drobe used to be your style, but now you prefer your room tidy and your kitchen clean. Your mum might not be around to force you to do chores, but it’s okay because you do them anyway. Willingly! You even bug your housemates about doing them too. Who are you?
2. You buy nice appliances
The days of $7 toasters are over, because a grown up house needs grown up gadgets. You still wouldn’t pay full price for them, but come sales time you’re ready to pounce. Did you really need a $200 glass kettle? Of course not, nobody does. But it looks fancy and makes you feel like a boss, so you bought it anyway.
3. You can (sometimes) say no to a big night out
You still enjoy a good night out – but you’ve discovered moderation. You now know that guzzling wine on Sunday arvo means a killer hangover on Monday morning, and you suddenly want to start the week fresh. You might even swerve on a Saturday night out, because let’s be honest: dressing up is exhausting, the couch is comfy, and Netflix is basically free.