
What your dog says about you

Don’t have curls that match your poodle? Perhaps your personalities are more in tune.

Written by Medibank

Here are a few of our favourite dog types, and what they say about their owners.

1. Pomeranian/toy poodle

You’re fashion conscious and love the latest looks. But your puppy (like you) is more than just a pretty face. Sure, it can fit in a designer handbag, but you’ve picked a very intelligent breed to match your own sparkling wit.

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2. Border collie

Slow down, captain action! You’re a high octane person who loves adventure and the outdoors, and you picked a brainy pooch who loves a challenge and can keep up with your every move.

3. Labrador

You’re a total extrovert who just loves people. You picked a dog that can get along with everyone, and Saturdays at the park are your (and your pet’s) favourite part of the week.

4. Greyhound

Sure, you can go fast when you need to. But beneath your sleek exterior lies a person who really just wants to kick back. You’re happiest watching movies on the couch with the people that you love.

5. Jack Russell

You were the class clown in high school and you’re still the one keeping everyone entertained. You’re cheeky and scrappy, and you picked a pet who can punch well above her (diminutive) weight.

6. Bloodhound

You’re a gentle soul who is curious about the world. You’re just as happy going on long walks through nature as you are at home, and you love to have balance in your life.

7. Australian cattle dog

You’ve got a strong work ethic and a solid sense of loyalty. You expect nothing less from your pet. You admire diligence and you’re an extremely practical person.

8. Rescue dog

You’ve got a heart of gold and your mission in life is to make a positive difference in the world. Your puppy knows this, and that’s why he loves you so much.

Your dog makes your life better – so give them the best care with Medibank Pet Insurance.

Things you should know

Medibank Pet Insurance policies entered into for the first time prior to 30 August 2023 and subsequent renewals of those policies are issued by The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd ABN 78 090 584 473, AFSL 241436, arranged and administered by PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 95 075 949 923, AFSL 420183 (PetSure) and promoted and distributed by PetSure’s Authorised Representative (AR) Medibank Private Limited ABN 47 080 890 259, AR 286089 (Medibank).

Medibank Pet Insurance policies entered into for the first time on or after 30 August 2023, and subsequent renewals of those policies are issued by PetSure and promoted and distributed by PetSure’s AR, Medibank.

Any advice provided is general only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Please consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) ensure this product meets your needs before purchasing, or choosing to continue with the product. PDS and Target Market Determination available at medibank.com.au/pet-insurance.

Written by Medibank

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